Thank you so much for all Pastor Grace’s and the congregation’s support. Pastor Grace is a welcome addition to our food pantry and greets everyone as they come in. She has much enthusiasm and energy!! We are grateful for the food and personal care products donated and the monetary donations given through the Good Samaritan Fund. We are so thankful for grants and anonymous giving. These donations will help us meet the needs of the many people who request assistance with food and other needs. Any nonperishable foods are welcome, but please note expiration dates. The dollar stores have many of the items that are needed. During the cold weather, we also try to provide hats, mittens, or gloves, so any help would be appreciated. This is a very caring congregation, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The November Good Samaritan Offering: $562.25
Pantry Items for December: Laundry detergent and any variety of cereal
Food Pantry Hours December 11, 2:30 – 4:30
November Good Samaritan Offering: $562.25